On time Cars

Distance from Mumbai to Ganpatipule

The above trip from start point to end point (from one city to other) will be 330 Kms.

You will reach there in 6 Hrs.

If Travel by Rail is a choice then the nearest facility for the same to Ganpatipule is Ratnagiri Rly station at 30 Kms.

You can also choose travel by bus and main bus point to Ganpatipule is Ganpatipule bus stop at 1 Kms.

According to a local folk lore, the Hindu god, Ganapati, taking umbrage by a remark made by a native lady, moved to Pulé पुळे (a few km ahead of the town) from his original abode of Gulé. Thus the region was named Ganpati-pulé.

400 years old Ganpati image at Ganpatipule is said to have sprung up from the soil. This deity faces the West, so as to guard the western gates, unlike deities in other Indian temples who face the east. The temple is at the base of a hill, and pilgrims walk around (pradakshina) the hill as a mark of respect.

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