On time Cars

Distance from Pune to Aurangabad

Cities are far away from each other by 245 Kms.

Journey time is 4.3 Hrs.

Travel assistance in the form of closet train station to Aurangabad is Aurangabad Railway Station at 9 Kms.

Travel by Bus from major station to Aurangabad is ST Bus Depot Aurangabad at 1 Kms.

Aurangabad is district of Maharashtra, India. Aurangabad (meaning Built by the Throne) is named after the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb, a well known Mughal Muslim ruler. The city is a tourist hub, surrounded with many historical monuments, including the Ajanta Caves and Ellora Caves, which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, as well as Bibi Ka Maqbara. The administrative headquarters of the Aurangabad Division or Marathwada region, Aurangabad is said to be a City of Gates and the strong presence of these can be felt as one drives through the city. Recently, Aurangabad has been declared as Tourism Capital of Maharashtra. It is also one of the fastest growing cities in the world. Population wise it is the 5th largest city in Maharashtra after Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur and Nashik.

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