The above trip from start point to end point (from one city to other) will be 455 Kms.

You will reach there in 7 Hrs.

If Travel by Rail is a choice then the nearest facility for the same to Jalna is at 1 Km.

You can also choose travel by bus and main bus point to Jalna is Jalna main Bus Stop at 0.5 Kms.

Jalna is mostly preferred by travellers from Aurangabad, Mumbai, Pune. The go to destination for types of travellers, be it family, kids and couples, Jalna is, however, mostly preferred by Couple, Single. The best season or months to visit places in Jalna are February, November, December. There are 9 tourist places in Jalna, which can be explored by travellers. Local attractions can be visited at any time of the day, be it early morning, afternoon, evening or night, as suitable for travellers. Sightseeing in Jalna can be done by travellers, which will take half a day or one day, but to see all sightseeing places, travellers need to stay in Jalna for 2 days to 3 days.

The district is known for Jamb Samarth village, the birthplace of Samarth Ramdas Swami. The Battle of Assaye was fought on September 23, 1803 near the village of Assaye located near Jafrabad in this district.

Online Reservation and Booking information has been already displayed at our website but for your convenience we are sharing with you one more time which is as follows – direct numbers 09156183915/08087114422 or email: or weblink and we are always there for your help 24 x 7 (All days of the year)

OntimeCars is the preferred choice for our present clients and one of the top options for new customers searching for some trustworthy tour & travel planner. We will take care of your one way trip, round trip and full day trip requirement from end to end by providing complete information at your finger tip.

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